First impressions matter … whether first impressions of a future partner, parents-in-law, a new grandchild, a potential employer or a new social group. We want people to like us and to listen to us but still want to be ourselves. We fear being seen as ignorant or pushy … but we also don’t want to just fade into the background. In the gospel story about Jesus, first impressions also matter.

Jesus has been baptised by John and has survived a grueling and testing time in the wilderness, but we’re not too sure what this highly anticipated person will say or do when he has the chance. In chapter 4 of his Gospel, Luke gives us a first impression of the public ministry and mission of Jesus as he returns to his home town of Nazareth and goes to the synagogue on the Sabbath.

One poet describes the scene like this …
Jesus, a hometown boy made good.
Isn’t that Joseph’s son?
His ministry begins, with prophetic words.
Who is that man?
The message haunts … a painful challenge.
Is that really Joseph’s son?
Welcome wears thin.
He is dismissed, threatened with death.
Who is this man?

Indeed, who is this man Jesus?