This week the Federal Treasurer, Josh Frydenberg, handed down the Budget. Clearly it was prepared with the imminent election in mind, with cash handouts to many and a temporary reduction in the fuel excise which will make petrol and diesel purchases some 20 cents per litre cheaper for motorists.
What is rather more confusing (or perhaps it’s clear …?) is the vision for Australia’s medium term future as outlined in the Budget. It would suggest that we need to spend rather less on addressing climate change than previously and spend nothing more on aged care (despite obvious issues in staffing numbers and pay) yet we can afford to spend billions of dollars on seemingly unimportant infrastructure projects in marginal electorates.
This week’s Gospel story illustrates the gulf between Jesus’ vision and that of the disciples. While Jesus is quite clear and open about the reception he will likely receive in Jerusalem (mocking, insults, flogging, death), the disciples remain confused and lacking understanding (thinking that Jesus will receive a hero’s welcome from the authorities in Jerusalem). The story of the blind man Bartimaeus receiving his sight illustrates that he sees clearly who Jesus is and what his needs are, even while the disciples remain in a fog of confusion.
As we continue to walk with Jesus on the road that leads to the events of Easter, I wonder whether we are clear or confused regarding what we are called to do as followers of Jesus. Where are we seeking to follow Jesus even though the road seems hard, and where are we following our own agenda even though it may be well wide of Jesus’ call? Where do we see clearly and where do we remain blind?