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Some of our activities include:
Do justly

Living Faith Group
The Living Faith group is the current format of the social justice concern that has been a part of CUC for decades. We meet, formally, roughly quarterly to inform and support each other in our communal and individual justice endeavours.
Contact Kathryn for more information.
Recent and current justice focuses have included:
- Writing a proposal to instal solar panels on the church building as part of the building redevelopment and CUC’s contribution towards a Net Zero carbon footprint.
- Initiating the Indigenous garden to raise the profile of the available local flora.
- Submitted a contribution to VicTas Synod discussion paper on net zero carbon by 2040 presented at the 2023 Synod meeting.
- Encourage relationships between the CNUC Tuesday Lunch program and the Mullum Mullum Indigenous mob
- Organised a discussion session on the 2023 Voice referendum.
- Instal a copy of the Uluru statement from the Heart on the fellowship room wall.
- Participate in knitting dozens of climate scarves as part of the Common Grace Knit for Climate Justice project including one presented to (and refused by) local Federal member Michael Sukkar .
- Sharing out issues raised by the Synod publication Just Act for social justice letter writing or action.

Love mercy
Soup cooking for Winter Shelter
A group of cooks get together regularly on a Thursday to create batches of hearty delicious soup that is frozen and then suppled to other churches that are part of the regular Winter shelter program providing food/accommodation for homeless men.
Contact Carole for details.
Helping Hand fundraising
Each Sunday a table of home grown or made items is sold to raise funds for Helping Hand. The weekly giving also includes a shopping trolley for grocery items that are also given.
Contact Meron for details.
Tuesday Lunch
On Tuesdays, lunch is provided for up to 40 people at Croydon North UC with meals cooked by volunteers from food supplied from Second Bite and grants from Maroondah Council
Contact Carole or Sue for details.
Walk humbly with your God
Fellowship Group
The Croydon Uniting Fellowship Group for adults is held on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 1:00 pm.
This is a time for friendship and fellowship, often with a speaker or theme for each occasion.
Contact 9723 5103 for details.
Weekly Prayer Group
A weekly prayer group is run on Thursday mornings.
Contact 9723 5103 for details.
A sand table with tapers is also available in the worship space for private prayers after the Sunday service.
Study Groups
Study groups happen a few times a year, often during Advent, Lent or Seasons of Creation (September) for 4-6 week blocks. They are organised to suit the participants and can be held in the Fellowship room or in people’s homes.
Occur on an ad hoc basis.

An informal social gathering where we share stories, crafts, games and jokes.
Drop-in is held on the 4th Friday of the month, 1-3 pm in the Fellowship room at Croydon Uniting.
For further details, and to find out the theme of the upcoming Drop-in session, contact 9723 5103.