In mid-2023, our aged brick hall and dilapidated wooden hall were demolished,
making way for new uses for this land. The many ministries that have used these
former halls are remembered in the photo compilation below.
A Brief history:
The Uniting Church in Australia came into being on 22 June 1977, after three denominations – Congregational Union in Australia, the Methodist Church of Australasia, and the Presbyterian Church of Australia – joined together. In uniting, the members of those bodies testified to “that unity which is both Christ’s gift and will for the Church” (Basis of Union, para. 1).
The Basis of Union is the document that set the platform for how these churches came together. It outlines the roles of the different councils of the Church including congregations (local), presbyteries (regional), the synods (statewide – although Uniting Churches in Victoria and Tasmania form the one same synod), and the Assembly (national). It states the central affirmations of the Christian faith and is a guide to what is central in the life of the Uniting Church.
Croydon Uniting Church was formed in 1996 by the coming together of Croydon Central Uniting (which was Croydon Methodist Church prior to church Union) and Tallent Street Uniting (which was Croydon Presbyterian Church prior to Church Union) to be one single visible and vibrant Uniting Church presence in Croydon. Centenaries Celebrations were held in 2007 to celebrate over 100 years of Making a Difference (the title of the centenary history) in mission, witness and service through the current Croydon Uniting Church and its predecessors. It continues to make a difference in the lives of the church community and the local community through its active and vibrant life, mission, witness and service – through what it is, and what it does.

Vision Statement prior to 2017:
For over a decade, Croydon Uniting had been committed to the following Vision Statement. (On August 6, 2017, a new vision statement, for a new era, was approved which is presented on the Vision page)
We at Croydon Uniting Church with God’s grace and guidance will witness and proclaim the good news of God’s love through Jesus Christ to the local and wider community.
We will focus particularly on:
. our prayer life, contemplation and discernment
. pastoral care of the frail and aged
. ministry with children, youth and their families
. actively serving the local and wider community
Chandler, Paul D. (Ed.) (2007). Making a difference. Croydon Uniting Church: the first 100 years. Croydon, Vic: Croydon Uniting Church. ISBN 9780646475349