This week we are continuing to explore the challenging message from the Sermon on the Mount. Matthew lists two particular challenges in chapter 6 that may prevent us from whole-heartedly following the ways of God. They are worrying what other people may think of us (6:1-18) and the lure of material possessions (6:19-34).

We may not often pause to recognise it, but we live in an extremely materialistic culture and have money and possessions beyond the imagination of most of the writers of the NT. Jesus warns us that these material blessings are a direct threat and competitor to our devotion to God. Our hearts are beholden to what we treasure.

One definition of what we treasure is what we could not bear to lose. So I wonder how we might cope with losing everything we own (as many families experienced during the bushfires over summer). Ultimately it’s a matter of trust – do we really trust that God will somehow provide what we need (our ‘daily bread’)? If the answer is yes, then we can hold lightly to our possessions. If the answer is no, then perhaps we do treasure what we own more than our relationship with God.