During these days, the threat of Covid-19 seems to always lie before us. Rather than be depressed by the endless statistics, I invite you to join me in praying for our world during this pandemic. The prayer is modelled on the many laments found in the book of Psalms.

Hear our cry, Almighty God, even as we remember the suffering and death of Jesus. Listen to our prayer and our cries for our world.

How long will we have to hide in our homes from this invisible enemy?
Where will it strike next? And whom? And what if…?
Our screens relay a continuous escalation of suffering and death around the world.
Fear and anxiety abound.

Yet we are the privileged ones with safe homes to withdraw to and plenty of food.
Many in neighbouring countries are not so fortunate.
We plead for them and their safety.

For those who feel forsaken and torn away from loved ones,
Lord hear our cry.

For those who are mourning the ones who have died due to this sickness,
Lord hear our cry.

For the health workers, emergency workers and scientists grappling with this virus,
Lord hear our cry.

For those in government and in hospitals making difficult decisions,
Lord hear our cry.

For the most vulnerable in our society who feel so alone and helpless,
Lord hear our cry.

Creator God, your word promises that one day
you will liberate creation from its bondage to decay and death.
One day you will make all things new again.

We long for that day.
But today, from the depths of our confusion, we cry out to you.
We beseech you not to turn your face away.

Rescue us, God of compassion and grace.
Help us to be still and wait for you. Amen.

You may wish to watch the service from this morning that has been put together by the members of Croydon, Croydon North, Heathmont, Ringwood and North Ringwood Uniting Churches.