As people like to search for information in different ways, these messages have been arranged by Message series, Biblical book and themes. YouTube videos are available for some of these messages, indicated by a V in the title.

The New Testament

Advent Hope - Advent messages from Matthew

A season with Matthew - 19 messages
Matthews Parables from chapters 22 & 25 - 5 messages
Mark my Words - 13 messages through Marks Gospel
Go Do Lukewise - 10 messages through Lukes Gospel

More ways to Go do Lukewise - messages from the book of Luke
Life after Jesus- 4 messages from John and Luke
Shining the Light on Truth - 20 messages through John's Gospel (Ch 1-12, 18-21,14-17 ) (V)

Life after Jesus- 4 messages from John and Luke
Acts of Discipleship - 6 messages through the book of Acts
Faith, freedom and calling - 4 messages through the book of Galatians (V)
Ephesians - 5 messages on living wisely
Our Journeys of Faith - 4 messages from the book of Hebrews (V)

The Old Testament

God's Big StorySamuel/KingsRuthJob

God's Big Story - 5 messages on an overview of the Old Testament
Leadership - 5 messages on the leadership of King Saul and King David
Ruth - 3 messages on a beautiful short story with big questions
Job - 2 messages on Why do good people suffer?

Messages grouped by the themes mentioned

Spiritual DisciplinesIndigenous IssuesDoubtCreationFaithReversalDiscipleshipHopeJusticeFutureIdentitySufferingRelationshipPurposeKingdomObdeienceCommunityCharacterPrayerGrace
Spiritual Disciplines - 7 messages on Mission, Hospitality, Contemplative Prayer, Friendship, Justice, Worship and Beauty, Generosity and Pilgrimage
coming soon
The meaning of a Jubilee for the earth - 4 messages on Season of Creation 2020
A home for all? : Renewing the oikos of God - 4 messages in Season of Creation 2021
Listening to the Voice of Creation - 4 messages in the Season of Creation 2022
Let Justice and Peace Flow - 4 messages in the Season of Creation 2023
To Hope and Act with Creation. - 4 messages in the Season of Creation 2024
Beauty in brokenness - 3 messages on what the Bible has to say on Mental Health
Beauty in brokenness - 3 messages on what the Bible has to say on Mental Health

Seasons of CreationAdventChristmasLentEaster
To Hope and Act with Creation. - 4 messages in the Season of Creation 2024
Let Justice and Peace Flow - 4 messages in the Season of Creation 2023
Listening to the Voice of Creation - 4 messages in the Season of Creation 2022
A home for all? : Renewing the oikos of God - 4 messages in the Season of Creation 2021
The meaning of a Jubilee for the earth - 4 messages in Season of Creation 2020
An adventure through Advent - 4 messages
Advent Hope - Advent messages from Matthew
Coming soon
Lent 2024 - 6 messages
A journey through Lent - 6 messages in 2023
Coming soon

Messages in a Series

Spiritual Disciplines - 7 messages on Mission, Hospitality, Contemplative Prayer, Friendship, Justice, Worship and Beauty, Generosity and Pilgrimage

Let Justice and Peace Flow - 4 messages on Season of Creation 2023

God's Big Story - 5 messages on an overview of the Old Testament

Beauty in brokenness - 3 messages on what the Bible has to say on Mental Health
Shining the Light on Truth - 20 messages through John's Gospel (Ch 1-12, 18-21,14-17 ) (V)

Advent Hope - Advent messages from Matthew

More ways to Go do Lukewise - messages from the book of Luke

Listening to the Voice of Creation - 4 messages in the Season of Creation (SoC 2022)

Our Journeys of Faith - 4 messages from the book of Hebrews (V)

Faith, freedom and calling - 4 messages through the book of Galatians (V)

Acts of Discipleship - 6 messages through the book of Acts

A journey through Lent - 6 messages

An adventure through Advent - 4 messages

Ruth - 3 messages on a beautiful short story with big questions
Job - 2 messages on Why do good people suffer?

SoC 2021 - 4 messages on A home for all? : Renewing the oikos of God.

Ephesians - 5 messages on living wisely

Leadership - 5 messages on the leadership of King Saul and King David

Life after Jesus- 4 messages from John and Luke

Mark my Words - 13 messages through Marks Gospel

Matthews Parables from chapters 22 & 25 - 5 messages
Season of Creation 2020 - 4 messages on the meaning of a Jubilee for the earth

A season with Matthew - 19 messages

Go Do Lukewise - 10 messages through Lukes Gospel